If you fall among the crowd of travelers in the summer who spend more time away from your home than you do actually enjoying it, you’re not alone. There is a common misconception that outdoor entertainment should be installed in the summer or before summer. The thought process is that you will have long days to enjoy it! However, as summer draws to a close, we have found many homeowners emphasizing a new focus on home improvement after returning from travels and they express interest in outdoor entertainment specifically.
Prestige Outdoor Lighting has over a decade of experience in working with homeowners in their outdoor entertainment spaces and our experts state that the most enjoyment often comes from the Fall season when it comes to outdoor entertainment. Why? Many homeowners in the Southeast enjoy family barbecues, Halloween festivities, and America’s favorite pastime, football! Host the ultimate bonfire with your favorite tunes or welcome your friends to enjoy kickoff for the Panthers this Fall by preparing your outdoor spaces for the ultimate entertainment experience.
Emphasizing Quality Family Time
Bonding with your kids can be easier said than done! Especially if you have teenagers who have just returned to school. Piles of homework, extra curricular activities, and college applications are on the horizon. We recommend carving out an hour in your schedule daily to focus on your family! If you’re hoping to get your teenagers involved, have them pick the playlist or choose the movie that you’ll enjoy together. Better yet, fire up the grill and spend time in your outdoor entertainment space teaching them a new recipe. Looking for some fall inspiration, here’s a list of some family activities to add to your bucket list this season!
Reconnect With Old Friends
Over the summer, it’s easy to lose touch with your neighbor or your friends. If you’ve found you’re out of the loop when on the bleachers with the other parents at sports practices, it may be time you offer to host a fall barbecue. Your guests will be eager to enjoy the outdoors in ideal temperatures. Our audio partners provide quality equipment and sound that encompasses your entire entertaining space. Maybe you’d like to have pumpkin carving on the deck and dinner in the backyard by the pool. By the end of the night, you’re sure to have strengthened your relationships and created lasting memories!
Hosting Sunday Night Football
Many of us participate in the office Fantasy Football league. Have you thought about your strategy this year? How about hosting for the game? If you have an outdoor TV in place, it may be time to consider outdoor audio installation as well. This will allow your guests to roam freely through your property so that everyone doesn’t have to stay crammed around the TV space through the duration of the afternoon. We understand, the rivalries can get heated! A quality outdoor audio system allows guests to come and go from the TV without losing information on the updates of the game’s progress.
Did you know that American’s vote Fall as the favorite time of the year? Why? The most birthdays are in Fall. The autumn season is also associated with several holidays such as Thanksgiving and Halloween. People describe the weather as “cozy” and love to focus on their home in this season! There are several times of the year that outdoor audio can be utilized but Fall is the perfect time to enjoy your outdoor spaces! Ready to get started on your outdoor audio project? Just click here for your free consult or call us at 910-754-5483.