Spending Money to Make Money
Everyone knows the old saying that you have to spend a little money to make a little money. Depending on where you currently live, the time to sell your home can greatly vary, even across the state of North Carolina. We have seen homeowners sit with a house on the market for nearly two years. We’ve also heard plenty of stories from homeowners that list their home and it’s under contract within five hours. Obviously, the latter is your ideal situation when you imagine listing your home for sale. We have a few recommendations on ways to increase the chances of your home selling fast when it hits the market!
Exterior Renovations
First, make sure to clean up your landscaping and the exterior of your home. Any overgrown bushes should be trimmed. Make sure the lawn has been cut, and the driveway is clear of weeds. Planting some seasonal flowers would be great touch. If your home hasn’t been pressure washed in awhile, that is a great step to ensuring builders are pleased with the exterior appearance of your home. Hiring a landscaper or setting aside a weekend to dedicate to taking care of your landscape is a great idea for this.
Deep Cleaning Your Home
Next, consider the cleanliness of your home. Life can get busy. Things fall behind. It happens to us all. Don’t let that be the reason your home sits on the market month after month. Hire a housekeeper or dedicate time to completing a deep clean of your home so that you’re not left scrambling each time you have a showing. Touch up the paint where needed. Some places to start are around the doors, children’s bedrooms, and more! Many buyers imagine themselves having a fresh start when they are moving and therefore expect the property to fit the bill when they are touring.
Improving Night Time Visibility
Finally, examine your property’s appearance in the evening. Many showings of homes for sale occur when the potential buyer is finished with work for the evening. Can they even see your property at night? You should consider the investment of an outdoor lighting system to improve the visibility of your home in the night. This will highlight the beautiful architectural features of your home but also help the visitor feel secure and comfortable navigating the property.
Prestige Outdoor Lighting has been working with homeowners for years and has seen great success in homes selling partially due to the outdoor lighting drawing attention to the property for sale at night. If you would be interested in a free consult to discuss outdoor lighting for your property, give us a call at 910-754-5483.