Fire Ants – we talk about this problem every spring, because it comes without fail. Fire Ants are not native of the United States- in fact, they came from South America in the early 1900’s, when they were first introducing in Mobile, Alabama. Ever since that one accident, fire ants have continued to spread in all of the south-east states, and are also moving towards the west as time passes.
Fire ants are nothing less than ruthless critters, invading and destroying everything that they find. If you have never been in an encounter with these little beasts, then you should always remember one thing- a single bite by these fire ants hurts a lot! In case you have ever stepped on a fire ant mound by accident, then you have a pretty accurate idea as to why are they known by this particular name- their bite gives you a stinging pain with a burning sensation. Fire ants are not just mini-monsters with vicious bites- they even mound up on fixtures, invade what they can and destroy things such as transformers.
Landscape lighting fixtures and underground wiring and even transformers mounted to the side of your house are not immune to the damaging effects of fire ants, and without any kind of warranty that covers damages by fire ants, there is not a lot that you can do. This makes it important for you to take care of and protect every southern property that you have from these destructive fire ants. If you are the kind of person who likes taking care of his own property, then it would help you to consider a fire ant treatment schedule.
Here is a great article that discusses various treatment options to control fire ants on your property.
Prevention is better than cure, and the same stands true for damage by fire ants. Not doing so could cost you significantly in replacing the damaged components or even the entire lighting system once fire ants have had their way with it.
Once you have a lawn that is protected from the wrath of fire ants, you will enjoy your outdoors more in the coming months and your outdoor lighting will not suffer from these pests.